


Program in Detail

2024년 7월 6일 (토)

장소 시간 제목 연자
컨벤션홀 1, 2 09:00~10:00 Year in Review 홍승봉 (성균관대 신경과)
09:00~09:20 Summary of updates in AASM scoring manual version 3 and ICSD-3-TR, 양태원 (경상대 신경과)
09:20~09:40 Long term effects of obstructive sleep apnea and its treatment 구대림 (서울대 신경과)
09:40~10:00 Treatment guideline and emerging treatment option for RBD 변정익 (경희대 신경과)
10:00~10:55 Plenary symposium 정기영 (서울대 신경과)
Clinical significance and treatment strategy of chronic insomnia Yuichi Inoue (Tokyo Medical University)
10:55~11:10 Coffee Break
11:10~12:00 Presidential symposium 김주한 (Good Sleep Clinic)
From Predictors to Personalized Medicine: Machine Learning Approaches in Isolated REM Sleep Behavior Disorder 정기영 (서울대 신경과)
12:00~13:00 총회, Lunch
13:00~14:00 JSM 우수논문발표 선우준상 (강북삼성병원)
대회의실 13:00~14:15 PSG workshop (Technician course) 1 김지현 (이화여대 신경과)
13:00~13:20 1. Preparing sleep study, biocalibration 조성래 (유성선병원 신경과)
13:20~13:40 2. Sleep staging in adults: from basic to practice 신유용 (나은병원 신경과)
13:40~14:00 3. Sleep staging in infants and children: from basic to practice 김승수 (순천향대 소아과)
14:00~14:15 Q&A
14:00 ~14:45 Coffee Break & Poster 발표
컨벤션홀 1 14:45~16:00 PS1. Advancement in Sleep EEG technology 주은연 (성균관대 신경과)
14:45~15:10 1. Assessing the Instability of Non-REM Sleep in Elderly Women through Envelope Analysis. 박인성 (University of Tsukuba)
15:10~15:35 2. Neural-Engineering-based analyses in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using sleep EEG 김성권 (한양대 ICT융합학부)
15:35~16:00 3. Analyzing the impact of sleep on brain health using the Sleep EEG-Based Brain Age Index 육순현 (University of Southern California)
컨벤션홀 2 14:45~16:00 PS2. Health Effects of Disrupted Circadian Rhythms by Artificial Light 신원철 (경희대 신경과)
14:45~15:10 1. Effect of Light on Circadian Rhythm Physiology, Sleep, and Mood 임종민 (키엘연구원)
15:10~15:35 2. Growing link between circadian rhythms and medical disease (HTN, DM) 구용서 (울산대 신경과)
15:35~16:00 3. Understanding the position of circadian rhythm in Alzheimer’s Disease 이설아 (서울대 신경과)
대회의실 14:30~15:45 PSG workshop (Technician course) 2 김지언 (대구가톨릭대 신경과)
14:30~14:50 4. Monitoring respiration during sleep 강미경 (한림대 신경과)
14:50~15:10 5. Monitoring movement during sleep 주병억 (순천향대 신경과)
15:10~15:30 6. Cardiac monitoring and managing emergent situation during polysomnography 김용균 (울트라정형외과의원 신경과)
15:30~15:45 Q&A
컨벤션홀 1 16:00~17:15 Oral Presentation 1 김원주 (연세대 신경과)
김영수 (경상대 신경과)
컨벤션홀 2 16:00~17:15 PS3. Current limitation and future of PSG 윤창호 (서울대 신경과)
16:00~16:20 1. Limitation of PSG in RBD diagnosis 김재림 (서울대 신경과)
16:20~16:40 2. Disadvantages of PSG in the diagnosis and management of OSA 윤지은 (순천향대 신경과)
16:40~17:00 3. Novel modalities to overcome the limitation of single-night PSG 이우진 (서울대 신경과)
17:00~17:15 Q&A
대회의실 15:45~17:15 PSG workshop (Technician course) 3 노숙영 (노숙영NU신경과의원)
15:45~16:10 7. Use of actigraphy and sleep diaries to assess sleep 이완균 (충남대 신경과)
16:10~16:35 8. Subjective and objective measures of daytime sleepiness 오정환 (제주대 신경과)
16:35~17:00 9. Manual titration of Positive airway pressure titration (CPAP and BiPAP) 김은영 (충남대 신경과)
17:00~17:15 Q&A

2024년 7월 7일 (일)

장소 시간 제목 연자
컨벤션홀 1 09:00~10:15 Oral Presentation 2 박기형 (가천대 신경과)
김대영 (충남대 신경과)
컨벤션홀 2 09:00~10:15 PS4. What is new in Insomnia treatment? 허경 (연세대 신경과)
09:00~09:20 1. Update on pharmacological therapy in Insomnia 한선정 (원광대 신경과)
09:20~09:40 2. Behavior and Psychological therapy in Insomania: Beyond CBT-I 서수연 (성신여대 심리학과)
09:40~10:00 3. Digital healthcare and Insomnia 신정원 (차의대 신경과)
10:00~10:15 Q&A
대회의실 09:00~10:15 Essentials of Sleep Medicine 1 박환석 (삼성맘편한 신경과)
09:00~09:20 1. Insomnia: Diagnosis and Treatment 이원우 (연세대 신경과)
09:20~09:40 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Comprehensive Review 지기환 (인제대 신경과)
09:40~10:00 3. Circadian Rhythm Disorders: A case-based approach 손효신 (가톨릭대 신경과)
10:00~10:15 Q&A
컨벤션홀 1 10:30~11:45 PS5. Digital Sleep Healthcare: Advancements in Measurement and Intervention of Sleep and Sleep disorders 주은연 (성균관대 신경과)
10:30~10:50 Sleep-health technology in Galaxy watch 정현준 (삼성전자 헬스H/W개발그룹)
10:50~11:10 Math + AI for diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders 김재경 (KAIST/IBS 수리과학과)
11:10~11:30 Sleep Staging with Contactless Techniques 조재욱 (부산대 신경과)
11:30~11:45 Q&A
컨벤션홀 2 10:30~11:45 PS6. Narcolepsy: Current Understanding and Treatment Approaches (English) 양광익 (순천향대 신경과)
10:30~10:50 1. Comorbidities and daytime dysfunction of Narcolepsy Inoue (Tokyo Medical University )
10:50~11:10 2. Current Understanding and Treatment Approaches for Narcolepsy: Recent Updates 정유진 (가톨릭대 신경과)
11:10~11:30 3. Introduction of Korean Narcolepsy Registry 김경민 (연세대 신경과)
11:30~11:45 Q&A
대회의실 10:30~11:45 Case-based learning : In-patient sleep consultation 김광기 (동국대 신경과)
10:30~10:50 1.Evaluation and management of sleep in hospitalized older adults 이한상 (서울대 신경과)
10:50~11:10 2.Improving sleep in patients with heart problem 김동엽 (이화여대 신경과)
11:10~11:30 3.Sleep problems in neurology ward 전지예 (경북대 신경과)
11:30~11:45 Q&A
11:45~12:45 Lunch
컨벤션홀 1 12:45~14:00 PS7. Sleep-disordered breathing in patients with ischemic stroke 남현우 (서울대 신경과)
12:45~13:05 1. Treating OSA in acute stroke: Gap between real patient care to scientific evidence 송파멜라 (인제대 신경과)
13:05~13:25 2. CPAP compliance and adherence in patients with ischemic stroke 김지현 (이화여대 신경과)
13:25~13:45 3. Prevalence, pathophysiology and significance of central sleep apnea inpatients with stroke. 이서영 (강원대 신경과)
13:45~14:00 Q&A
컨벤션홀 2 12:45~14:00 PS8. Exploration of the treatment of restless legs syndrome under the pathomechanism 조용원 (계명대 신경과)
12:45~13:05 1. Is dopamine agonists too much or a good thing? 김태준 (아주대 신경과)
13:05~13:25 2. Iron for the treatment of restless legs syndrome 박혜리 (인제대 신경과)
13:25~13:45 3. Non-pharmacological interventions for restless legs syndrome 신혜림 (단국대 신경과)
13:45~14:00 Q&A
대회의실 12:45~14:00 Essentials of Sleep Medicine 2 이향운 (이화여대 신경과)
12:45~13:05 1. Narcolepsy: A Practical Guide 황성은 (이화여대 신경과)
13:05~13:25 2. Restless Legs Syndrome: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment 장혜연 (건양대 신경과)
13:25~13:45 3. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Review of the Evidence and Treatment Approaches 선우준상 (강북삼성병원)
13:45~14:00 Q&A
컨벤션홀 1 14:15~15:30 PS9. Back to Basic-OSA management in Obesity epidemic era 강중구 (에이스신경과)
14:15~14:35 1. Obesity and Obstructive sleep apnea 이윤경 (동아대 신경과)
14:35~14:55 2. Pharmacotherapy for Obesity and its impact on OSA 전지은 (경희대 내분비내과)
14:55~15:15 3. Presurgical evaluation and effect of Bariatric surgery on OSA 박영석 (서울대 외과)
15:15~15:30 Q&A
컨벤션홀 2 14:15~15:30 PS10. Tools for predicting future for isolated RBD patients 정기영 (서울대 신경과)
14:15~14:35 1. Video-Based Monitoring of Comprehensive Motor Symptoms in Movement Disorders: Application to Prodromal Synucleinopathy 신정환 (서울대 신경과)
14:35~14:55 2.Novel biomarker for RBD disease progression 전진선 (한림대 신경과)
14:55~15:15 3.Machine learning model for predicting phenoconversion using EEG and clinical data 신용우 (인하대 신경과)
15:15~15:30 Q&A
대회의실 14:15~15:30 Case-based learning and Videos 이서영 (강원대 신경과)
14:15~14:35 1. Different cases with excessive daytime sleepiness 황경진 (경희대 신경과)
14:35~14:55 2. Video session: Sleep-related Movement disorder cases 정유진 (가톨릭대 신경과)
14:55~15:15 3. Video session: Parasomnia cases 한수현 (중앙대 신경과)
15:15~15:30 Q&A
컨벤션홀 1 15:30~ Closing, 경품 추첨